It is often said that having ownership in a business is one of the best ways to build wealth. Find out how you can set up your business as a wealth creation vehicle in this episode with John Di Natale, Director of Equi Wealth — a company that’s focused on wealth creation for individuals and business owners.
Episode Highlights:
- A little bit of John’s background
- The dilemma that people face in small businesses in relation to wealth creation
- How should business owners approach wealth creation?
- The concept of business ownership and small business entrepreneurship
- Inherent risks for businesses in the SME growth phase
- What business owners need to be cautious of
- Hot tips for business owners in terms of wealth creation
Most people enter business with the intention of creating wealth for themselves. Unfortunately, statistics show that most businesses either are not successful or, perhaps worse, are only marginally successful, leading one to a subpar means of making a living. This, therefore, casts a shadow over this whole concept of business as a wealth creator for them.
We’ve devoted most of our episodes to helping business owners work out what landmines and risks can potentially hold them back from growing their business. Our main aim is to help business owners protect their key assets so that when they get to that ultimate payday it becomes the deal of their life rather than a business they can’t sell or can’t sell for the price they want.
But tied up in all of this is that ultimate concept of wealth creation and it’s probably something that we just don’t talk about enough in the areas that we discuss. So today we have on the program John Di Natale of Equi Wealth, a business that’s focused on wealth creation for individuals and business owners, to discuss some examples where he has seen this happen. John also talks about his top tips, the risks and things to be wary of in this area.
- Equi Wealth
- John Di Natale Website
Connect with John:
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