A Will is a legal statement by which you name the people you want to receive your property and possessions when you die. As an individual and as a business owner, it’s important to have a will in place to ensure your estate is distributed as you want it and to avoid disputes and expensive litigation.
We can assist you with:
- Drafting of Wills
- Registering Wills
- Contesting Wills
- Power of Attorney
Aspect Legal specialises in all areas of contract law.
We adopt a no-nonsense approach to advice on contract
management practices, as well as drafting and reviewing
contracts of all shapes and sizes.
Our wealth of experience in this area means that we work to
deliver what you need, before you’re even aware that you
need it.
We favour a proactive rather than a reactive approach to our
clients’ protection by ensuring they have the correct contracts in
place from the word ‘Go!’
Our Experience
Over the course of the last 20 years, we have advised a wide variety of clients –
from large corporations to smaller SMEs – on all aspects of their commercial
contract needs throughout the whole lifecycle of their business. Examples
of the type of work we’ve been involved in include:
- Drafting and advising on terms and conditions, terms of
trade and terms of sale - Assisting clients in taking their businesses online by
providing the ‘important but boring’ parts of their
websites such as user agreements, disclaimers, privacy
policies and website terms - Helping clients put the necessary mechanics in place to
ensure their business is not only protected, but always
operating at its maximum potential by assisting in drafting
services and supply agreements, shareholders
agreements, Licences for IP, software and equipment,
and management agreements - When the time comes, ensuring clients are in the best
position to get the most competitive price for their
business by preparing and acting on all aspects of sale.