Important Australian Government information about the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) – an online register introduced on 30 January 2012 that protects your business when buying, selling or leasing out property including valuable goods, stock, vehicles, machinery, office equipment, crops and livestock – almost anything except real estate.
Are you selling on terms, such as retention of title, or leasing out valuable goods?
Registering your interest in goods which you haven’t been paid for can help you to recover the debt if your customer doesn’t pay or becomes insolvent.
The two-year grace period to register any interests not yet registered is about
to end!
ACT NOW to register any outstanding pre-PPSR interests on the Personal Property Securities Register before the grace period ends on 31 January 2014.
Is your business buying valuable second-hand items?
You can also check the Personal Property Securities Register to see if that second-hand machinery, equipment, vehicles, stock or other valuable used item you want to purchase is debt-free and safe from repossession. Doing a search to check before you buy is low cost, easy and immediate.
Anyone can use the PPSR.
For more information about the PPSR, the grace period, or to search or register an interest, visit
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