Setting the right structure is one of the most important decisions you will make for your business. If you’re deciding between owning your business through a trust or a company, listen to this episode for a helpful guide on which to choose and why.
Episode Highlights:
- Why an accountant will suggest operating as a trust
- What type of business is the trust structure appropriate for
- Key differences between trust and companies
- Selling a business out of a trust vs a company structure
- Commercial and operational considerations for trading as a trust
- The general approach for small businesses
- How you can contact Greg and his team
As commercial legal advisors, we’ve often been asked by clients to explain the difference between a trust and a company. When deciding which one suits your business the best, there are a number of things to consider and that’s what this episode is all about.
To help us bring depth to this discussion, we brought on board Greg Will, the principal of the accounting practice, Armstrong Dawson. Greg is no newbie in this field. He has a long history of experience as an accountant both as principal of his practice Armstrong Dawson but also through his history as a partner within first and second tier professional service firms.
Greg brings us a really interesting perspective on the differences between trusts and companies, which one should be used and when as well as issues that he has seen in the use of these structures. This is valuable listening to anyone who is interested in the concept of structure or if you’re structured through a company or a trust and you really want to understand how that works and why you’ve been structured that way.
Listen to other episodes with Greg:
- Getting R&D funding for your business
- How my personal experience in buying a business made me a better accountant and advisor
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