Are your business operations affected by COVID-19? Good news: You just might qualify for these two new schemes.
NSW tenants that are impacted by COVID-19 or the government’s response have had their temporary shelter from eviction extended until 13 January 2022.
Landlords who have an “impacted lessee” who is a SME tenant that is already receiving government support such as JobSaver cannot take an enforcement action against the tenant without trying mediation first.
While this new support package promotes discussions between landlords and tenants about rent reductions or deferrals, it is different from the mandatory code of conduct that was launched in March 2020 for commercial tenants, which mandated landlords to offer rent reductions and deferrals.
Meanwhile, SME tenants in VIC can insist that their landlords provide them with rent relief that’s commensurate with their business’s decrease in turnover, with at least half of the relief being waived and the rest to be deferred.
The new Scheme also prohibits any rent increase during its operation, while evictions will require a determination from the Victorian Small Business Commission (VSBC) after mediation.
If you want to know if your business qualifies for provisional eviction protection in NSW, or rent relief in VIC, our legal eagles can assist you by conducting a thorough review of your lease contracts and other pertinent documents. We can help you prepare the necessary paperwork to negotiate your rent relief.
Just get in touch with us to get legal advice regarding these new schemes or if you need any other form of legal assistance for your business.
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