To get the best price when selling your business, it’s super important to lock in the value of your assets early on. But how do you do that? Find out by listening to this third instalment to our three-part series on prepping for sale from a legal perspective where we talk about the various ways you can set up protections for assets that can tip the scales at sale.
Episode Highlights:
- Protected assets give you the best return
- The risk of assets devaluing during the sale process
- Three steps to protecting your assets
- Dealing with staff and employees
- Ensuring transference of systems and processes
- Making sure key contracts are set in place
- Protecting intellectual property
- Is it ever too late?
Protecting a company’s most important assets is a crucial step that needs to be considered years before taking your business to market. But how do you protect assets that you may not be able to see, or at best that exist only on a piece of paper or on a hard drive? We’ll tell you how.
Join us on this last installment to our three-part series on the legal perspective to preparing a business for sale where we host Joanna Oakey and resident M&A expert Fiona Yiend of Aspect Legal introduce you to a tri-layered approach that will help you lock in the value of your assets and ensure that their value can withstand the business sale process.
If you missed the first two episodes in this series, you can click here to listen to part one where we talked about protecting the people who are most impacted by the sale. Then click here for part two on structuring a deal and setting up protections for the value you earn.
- [EP 086] Preparing for Sale from a Legal Perspective Part 1: Protecting People
- [EP 088] Prepping for Sale from a Legal Perspective Part 2: Protecting Value
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Our Business Sales and Acquisitions Services
Aspect Legal has a number of great services that help businesses prepare for a sale or acquisition to help them prepare in advance and to get transaction ready. And we’ve also got a range of services to help guide businesses through the sale and acquisitions process.
We work with clients both big and small and have different types of services depending on size and complexity. We provide a free consultation to discuss your proposed sale or acquisition – so see our show notes on how to book a time to speak with us, or head over to our website at Aspectlegal.com.au
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